Originally delivered on 10/11/2023 4:07 pm

SUBJECT: FOR D67 STAFF: THANK YOU for being Crazy for Kindness!

Crazy for Kindness was a HUGE Success!

Thank you for your support during our Hynes Elementary and Golf Middle School Raise Craze fundraiser. We hope you enjoyed being Crazy for Kindness and supporting students in spreading kindness and serving in our community. 

We are excited to share the final fundraising numbers! This was a team effort and we could not have been this successful without your support!

Total Acts of Service Completed – 2,091

Total Raised – $19,267

Net to Our School – $17,586

We are incredibly proud of our Cardinal Community and the amazing ways everyone shared kindness. Here are just a few of the ways we brightened people's days:

  • Collected donations for local families in need
  • Left kind notes for fellow students and made kindness posters for the school
  • Wrote thank you notes firefighters, police officers and members of the military
  • Held a volunteer service night to pack donations and make kindness cards
  • Left water & snacks by the front door for delivery drivers
  • Picked up litter in our community
  • And SO MUCH more!

All of the donations will help fund ALL the programs for students and staff throughout the year, including student assemblies, kids night out and Cardinals Care, a program that funds sports, club and field trip fees for students in need. 

THANK YOU again for all your support of our students, our schools, and our community!

D67 PTA Board Team
Brooke Beck, Corrie Tucker, Carmen Gray, Ekta Modi Patel, Dyana Lescohier, Jasmina Nuhbegovic, Christina Salahuddin 

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